December 1? How in the world did that happen? It is clear, sunny blue and about 75 degrees outside. Really? December? Well, that means it is time for one of my favorite things…. Christmas music!

I love love love Christmas music of all kinds! Now, I don’t love every song…. for example- the dogs barking Jingle Bells and Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer can both fall off the face of the earth as far as I am concerned.

I like slow, sappy songs. I like jazzed up versions of classics. I love instrumentals like Mannheim Steamroller and Trans Siberian Orchestra. I like George Strait’s Christmas music and Harry Connick J (Check out his Frosty the Snowman). Yo Yo Ma is my second favorite.

My very favorite is Garth Brooks first Christmas CD and the best song is Go Tell it on the Mountain.

This song blows me away every time I hear it….

I looked for a video to attach and all I could find was a girl signing the song in ASL. Trust me…. it is worth finding.

Rule #66- All of the Queen’s loyal subjects (who celebrate Christmas) shall listen to the  Christmas music of their choice as much as possible this month.

Starting with Garth Brooks! (Even if you don’t like country music… you will like this song!)